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RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 11-18-2023

Day 251

I love this sub.

For a while, it confused the shit out of me, mainly because it seemed to morph as soon as I felt like I was beginning to understand it. Now, I realize that Maverick was steadily dissolving the layers of nonsense that I thought were me. In the process, it continually revealed who I really am. Relaxed? Hyped? Friendly? Aggressive? Passionate? Sensitive? Empathetic? Ruthless? ... Yep, every bit of that is me. And each piece is coming together as one cohesive unit. Each piece serves its purpose in strengthening and reinforcing the whole. I see the effects in every aspect of my life.

I'm really looking forward to see where it goes from here.

Note: Re-reading this...The words I've typed don't adequately capture what I'm experiencing. I went through a period where I had my doubts about Maverick, but I stayed the course. If Maverick continues its current trajectory, it will be the game changer for me.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 12-22-2023

Day 285

I'm in the middle of the first week of a 3-4 week break before my next 3 month listening cycle.

My career workload is increasing. In 2024, it's going to test me. Interestingly, my whole life is smoothing out to help me accommodate the onslaught that's about to ensue. I'm about to take on responsibilities that I would've never been able to handle prior to running Maverick. Instead of being completely crushed, the stress is manageable. 

From the very beginning, Maverick sparked a growing level of indifference inside me. That continues. It's not an attitude of defiance. It's genuine indifference. It reminds me of something I read in the book "Reality Transurfing" about reduced importance. You can check that out on your own if you're interested.

The most notable change I've experienced in the past month or so is in my home life. I'm really enjoying the time I spend with my immediate family. In the past, I've been so focused on my career and other day to day stressors that it felt like I was being swept away in some unseen current. Looking back, I've been emotionally disconnected for years. That's mainly because I didn't have the emotional capacity to handle the overload I experienced day to day. Maverick is definitely helping with that. This is a large part of what I mean when I say that my life is smoothing out.

There are other small things that I've noticed also. For instance:

If I'm interested, conversations tend to flow. If I'm not interested, I let the conversation die. I'm not interested in filling the silence to avoid awkward moments.

I used to be uncomfortable while in close proximity to others. It doesn't bother me now. This became very clear to me yesterday as a coworker (who doesn't posses much spatial awareness) moved really close to me to show me something on a print. There was a time when instinct would've backed me away. Not yesterday. Or last week. Or last month. Looking back, this has been happening for a while. Also looking back, it's not uncommon for people to make space for me as I approach.

I find myself speaking up instinctively, even when my 'superiors' have the floor. So far, it's generally well received. It might even be appreciated.

The things I've mentioned above aren't examples of aggression. They're just natural behaviors that I often don't detect until after the fact.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 01-06-2024

Day 300

Tomorrow, I'll end a 3-week break and begin my loops again.

Something that occurred to me while reflecting on some recent posts is that Maverick has an almost anti-hero quality to it. It isn't the knight in shining armor. It isn't the well-respected leader. It could be Deadpool. It could be Wolverine. It could be Lone Wolf McQuade. It could be a surfer that lives under a pier. It could be a guy playing a guitar for tips on the street corner. It's about reaching the pinnacle of who you are...who you REALLY are...without regard to anyone or anything else. I think that's what has been so difficult for most folks to figure out. Being the surfer under the pier might look like dread to you. But it might represent total freedom to someone else.

As I've said elsewhere, Maverick has been a journey of discovery for me. And it has been a winding one at that.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - Johannesbrst - 01-07-2024

Hello Nomad,

Wondering if you could pitch in on a conversation I had with Shannon a few days ago.

(01-02-2024, 12:29 AM)Shannon Wrote:
(01-01-2024, 09:30 PM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Ok, so let say I'm interested in achieving my highest potential in four areas - being an entrepreneur, being a musician, attracting beautiful girls and becoming a social magnet.

And at the same time there are some areas I'm not conscious about, which would also be part of my "true potential", like becoming a great painter.

Would Maverick help me grow into my potential in all these areas at the same time? Or am I not thinking clearly about how this work?

That is determined by your subconscious. You'll want to ask those who have used it for more information about their experiences in that direction.

Would also be interested to hear about the female attraction part from you, and what it seems to be doing.

Looking forward hearing from you.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 01-07-2024

(01-07-2024, 04:19 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Hello Nomad,

Wondering if you could pitch in on a conversation I had with Shannon a few days ago.

(01-02-2024, 12:29 AM)Shannon Wrote: That is determined by your subconscious.  You'll want to ask those who have used it for more information about their experiences in that direction.

I really think that's going to depend on you as an individual. If you run Maverick, you might determine that none of those goals are worth pursuing. Or you might pick one, go as far as you want to go with it, lose interest, and move to the next. The good news about Maverick is that it will show you what you really care about. But it's not an on/off switch. It's a process. So, you might find that you're walking (or pondering) different paths along the journey, switch paths, circle back to a previous path, then change again. That's why I said that it has been a winding road for me.

If your mind is set on pursuing the goals that you've listed (entrepreneur, being a musician, attracting beautiful girls and becoming a social magnet), I think your best bet is to run the new Ultra Success program. 

(01-07-2024, 04:19 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Would also be interested to hear about the female attraction part from you, and what it seems to be doing.

Women seem to be more attracted. But it's not something I care about. I'm married, so I'm not on the prowl. Also, sex used to be at the top of my priorities. Now, it's low on the list. I suppose that's a good thing considering what a distraction it can be when you're a huge horn dog. I never thought I'd say that prior to running Maverick.

I'll close this post out by saying that Maverick is a great sub. But it's probably not going to be what most people expect it to be.

From the description:

"Maverick is best left to run without any expectations because it does not have any training wheels, and each person's mileage and outcome will vary widely. The more you try to consciously control the outcome, the harder it will be to get the greatest value that Maverick has to offer. Maverick is designed to integrate smoothly with you. And it will do just that - if you let it."

RE: Maverick - Emergence - Johannesbrst - 01-08-2024

(01-07-2024, 07:10 AM)NOMAD Wrote:
(01-07-2024, 04:19 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Hello Nomad,

Wondering if you could pitch in on a conversation I had with Shannon a few days ago.

I really think that's going to depend on you as an individual. If you run Maverick, you might determine that none of those goals are worth pursuing. Or you might pick one, go as far as you want to go with it, lose interest, and move to the next. The good news about Maverick is that it will show you what you really care about. But it's not an on/off switch. It's a process. So, you might find that you're walking (or pondering) different paths along the journey, switch paths, circle back to a previous path, then change again. That's why I said that it has been a winding road for me.

If your mind is set on pursuing the goals that you've listed (entrepreneur, being a musician, attracting beautiful girls and becoming a social magnet), I think your best bet is to run the new Ultra Success program. 

(01-07-2024, 04:19 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote: Would also be interested to hear about the female attraction part from you, and what it seems to be doing.

Women seem to be more attracted. But it's not something I care about. I'm married, so I'm not on the prowl. Also, sex used to be at the top of my priorities. Now, it's low on the list. I suppose that's a good thing considering what a distraction it can be when you're a huge horn dog. I never thought I'd say that prior to running Maverick.

I'll close this post out by saying that Maverick is a great sub. But it's probably not going to be what most people expect it to be.

From the description:

"Maverick is best left to run without any expectations because it does not have any training wheels, and each person's mileage and outcome will vary widely. The more you try to consciously control the outcome, the harder it will be to get the greatest value that Maverick has to offer. Maverick is designed to integrate smoothly with you. And it will do just that - if you let it."

Thanks. I guess it makes no sense to compare other people's journey with Maverick in the search for what to expect from it, as stated by Shannon previously. 

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the time where I'm in a position to finally run it. I'm attracted to the idea of being exposed to "raw reality" of life and myself. To see what's possible, what is waiting to be uncovered underneath and what the limitations are that have been put in place to protect what is destined to come up and be expressed and experienced.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 01-13-2024

Day 307

While driving yesterday, it occurred to me how good of a job Maverick has done in terms of separating me from old beliefs, ideas, thought patterns, etc. that I had been unwittingly stuck in. That alone could be a big reason for what I've described as my entire life smoothing out.

Another area that Maverick does a really good job is in its ability to help cope with stressful events. Workwise, I'm consistently overwhelmed with situations that I don't know how to handle. It often tests me, but I'm able to push through. There was a time that I would have had to throw in the towel. There's a sense of a protective hedge around the emotional self. It's not impenetrable, but it helps to slow down and reduce the intensity of any emotional onslaught. Because of that, any fear that does arise is manageable. Duke described it as a mental fortress. I hope that this is transplanted into AM7 and possibly other subs. I suspect that it could aid in subs that are heavily focused on inner growth.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - NOMAD - 01-19-2024

Day 313

This will probably be my last post in this journal. I see where Maverick is going, what it's doing, and I don't think I can say much more than has already been said about it.

I'll leave an analogy here to describe most subs versus Maverick:

Consider hydroelectricity. A dam is used to harness the power of water so that it can be channeled toward into a turbine that spins a generator that produces electricity. In this analogy, subs focus the energy of the user in a particular direction. MM focuses energy toward money. AMx focuses energy toward various masculine qualities. Because of the targeted focus, these subs can accomplish some impressive things in that particular field of focus.

Maverick is a flowing river where all unnatural obstructions are gently removed to maintain the integrity of the river's natural course. All debris, trash, contaminants, docks, name it...gone...gently...carefully. It's about allowing that river to flow in its natural state. There's no harnessing that power. There's no forcing the river to flow faster. It's about allowing it to be.

This is why a user should be at a certain place in his journey before considering the use of Maverick. Although I suspect that any man can benefit from using Maverick, he probably won't recognize his progress if he isn't ready for it. A body of water needs to be flowing (or at least have the "potential" to flow) before the removal of obstructions has any notable effect.

With Maverick, there's growth for sure. But it's organic growth. It isn't the 'light a fire under you', 'drag you to the finish line' type thing that you might experience with other subs. It's growth that comes from exploration & discovery. It isn't about defining and building a framework to channel your subconscious efforts toward certain goals. (Maverick assumes you've already taken care of that part.) It's about removing false, restrictive, imaginary frameworks and allowing you to be. That's where its genius lies.

I still intend to run Maverick for ~9+ months, or whenever AM7 is released (whichever comes first). My reasons really boil down to: (1) I have some areas that I'd like to develop, refine, & polish. I believe AM7, through its ability to harness & focus subconscious resources is the quickest path to making that happen. (2) AM7 will be in 6G, which I've been looking forward to for years. (3) I believe multi-stage subs are the overall most effective at accomplishing deep, focused change.

After a good AM7 run, I'll see what's on the sub landscape. Another Maverick run will very likely be up for consideration. At that point, I suspect Maverick would be even more amazing.

RE: Maverick - Emergence - Z-Man - 01-20-2024

(01-19-2024, 03:12 AM)NOMAD Wrote: Day 313

This will probably be my last post in this journal. I see where Maverick is going, what it's doing, and I don't think I can say much more than has already been said about it.

I'll leave an analogy here to describe most subs versus Maverick:

Consider hydroelectricity. A dam is used to harness the power of water so that it can be channeled toward into a turbine that spins a generator that produces electricity. In this analogy, subs focus the energy of the user in a particular direction. MM focuses energy toward money. AMx focuses energy toward various masculine qualities. Because of the targeted focus, these subs can accomplish some impressive things in that particular field of focus.

Maverick is a flowing river where all unnatural obstructions are gently removed to maintain the integrity of the river's natural course. All debris, trash, contaminants, docks, name it...gone...gently...carefully. It's about allowing that river to flow in its natural state. There's no harnessing that power. There's no forcing the river to flow faster. It's about allowing it to be.

This is why a user should be at a certain place in his journey before considering the use of Maverick. Although I suspect that any man can benefit from using Maverick, he probably won't recognize his progress if he isn't ready for it. A body of water needs to be flowing (or at least have the "potential" to flow) before the removal of obstructions has any notable effect.

With Maverick, there's growth for sure. But it's organic growth. It isn't the 'light a fire under you', 'drag you to the finish line' type thing that you might experience with other subs. It's growth that comes from exploration & discovery. It isn't about defining and building a framework to channel your subconscious efforts toward certain goals. (Maverick assumes you've already taken care of that part.) It's about removing false, restrictive, imaginary frameworks and allowing you to be. That's where its genius lies.

I still intend to run Maverick for ~9+ months, or whenever AM7 is released (whichever comes first). My reasons really boil down to: (1) I have some areas that I'd like to develop, refine, & polish. I believe AM7, through its ability to harness & focus subconscious resources is the quickest path to making that happen. (2) AM7 will be in 6G, which I've been looking forward to for years. (3) I believe multi-stage subs are the overall most effective at accomplishing deep, focused change.

After a good AM7 run, I'll see what's on the sub landscape. Another Maverick run will very likely be up for consideration. At that point, I suspect Maverick would be even more amazing.

I am glad you are taking the path of least resistance. You have grow so much since running this. Keep up the good work. You are example how to use Shannon sub's. Hope all is well!