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RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-16-2016

(11-16-2016, 01:16 AM)Shannon Wrote: Can't wait to see what 3.0.1 does for you guys!

Me too good results so far with consistent use what's suppose to be in version 3.0 shannon?

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Shannon - 11-16-2016

I'm Journaling everything going into it. Read my journal.

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-16-2016

(Day 15 ) at night while I was asleep listening to my loops I had a dream I was a a friends family function and his one beautiful cousin was super interested in me following me around holding hands and kissing me.

His cousin is really pretty in real life and it was a really sastifying to have that dream made me think about her. In the midst of that dream we some how were attacked by xenonorph aliens from alien the movies sorry sound like a nerd right now but that's what happened. Scared the he'll out of me running around with his family boarding up the doors and floors I kept his cousin safe. In the midst of the chaos of fighting and hiding from monsters we somehow ran outside and got to a dance club met up with a large crowd of people. Still panicking we calmed down eventual and started partying. Literally woke up and felt awesome out on some music and prepared for my day.

Met a few good looking Chicks who I flirted with and they responded well to me a work lots the ladies I helped had big open smiles. Also the older woman still texting me daily I guess I may have sorta manifested her I guess shes asking me more and more questions and flirty each day.

Shannon can explain this more I guess. i would like to attract more younger girls my age but I keep attracting cougar for some reasons I like older women and younger women but I would like my younger ratio to go up any suggestions?

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Shannon - 11-17-2016

You're probably actually attracting both with emphasis on the younger, but they're too chickenshit to act on their desires, whereas the cougars are not. The solution for now is probably interact more with the younger ones. Give them an easier job acting on their desires.

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-17-2016

(11-17-2016, 04:50 PM)Shannon Wrote: You're probably actually attracting both with emphasis on the younger, but they're too chickenshit to act on their desires, whereas the cougars are not. The solution for now is probably interact more with the younger ones. Give them an easier job acting on their desires.

You know I think you may be right because Im confident in myself and have no problem with interaction with women and older women tend to just let you know what they want vs the younger ones are to scared to act upon it and alittle reserved I like the power in 2.5 I hope 3.01 is even more intense and has a bigger range best thing yet didn't you say after 30days this would be a permanent affect

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-18-2016

(Day 16 ) went out with my friend the other night didn't get to stay out long like I normally did we had to leave abruptly because people don't know how to act ended up going to another hole in the wall bar got a few glance from women but it was fairly empty. Before I was getting bored and was getting ready to leave a cute black girl came in and out off all the empty seats she ask me if the seat inbetween my friend and me was taking she was trying to make conversation and seemed interested. But I don't know for what reason my friend threw me off with the wrong signal I thought he was saying let's leave but he was just slacking to grab a beer I left without asking for her number I know this was probably a manifestation and I should have acted on it because she approached me. More updates soon tho hope to see more manifestations and situations like that one.

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-21-2016

(Day 17 ) didn't get out as much got freshen up and changed my image up alittle saw family that day still using 3 loops charging up trying to make it to day 30.

(Day 18) cougar is still very flirty with me giving more intimate ideas snapchatting me and going in to more personal stuff talking about changes she will do for me and etc openly flirty texted her the entire time yesterday and today she seems like she is ready to go at it. I keep throwing sexual innuendos out there to trigger some subconscious responses from her to drive her crazy but we shall find out soon.

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-21-2016

(DAY 19) been chatting with the mature woman all day finally broke past are playfully sexual innuendos and we remove the filters and are talking about getting down and busy now. She definitely gonna get it soon this weekend just spent an few hours talking about what we like sexually this should be good doing 3 more loops tonight currently nov. 22nd, 2:30am from when this was written

RE: Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-24-2016

(Day 20) older woman is testing me all throughout the day before work and while I'm at work still teasing each other tonight she wanted to go out with me so we did we went to a little bar and had a great time with each Other teasing and toying around. We were very close and proximity and we were exchanging I'll f##k you eyes the whole night as she quoted that I was doing lol. She was ok with my hands being around her body her waist, inner thigh around her she was accepting it. When the night came to an end we sat in her car and chats some more she kept asking me flirty question and putting herself closer to me so I initiate a kiss which she enjoy. After that when it was time to go. Home she wouldn't let me leave and didn't want me to she would rewrap her arms around me and say she falling asleep. Getting close to the juicy parts you all are looking for.

RE: Dmsi 2.5 Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-25-2016

(Day 21) not to much to update because it's thanks giving and spent majority of the time with family older woman still messaging me from the time I wake up till the time I sleep. We are going black Friday shopping tommorow.

RE: Dmsi 2.5 Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 11-27-2016

(Day 22) we did black Friday shopping spent a large majority of the day together and went out to eat she's trying to get to know more about me. She interested in knowing more than just surface after we went out we eventually hung out for awhile and had to part. I took a nap and I invited her over to my friends house which she enjoyed alot. Was a great night allot of subtle sex thrown out there.

(Day 23) we went out to the bar and had a blast dancing and going crazy people literally stopped and told us we were the hottest f#cking two there. And they even called us a couple even though we are not together there's was alot of grind and sexual display going on eventual took her home because she was drunk. We got to her driveway and she didn't want to go inside she kept leaning on me then she like attacked me and let my seat back and started grinding on me and biting my neck she I took her bra off and unbuttoned her pants and I started stimulating her but she got tire and fell asleep it was currently 3 o'clock in the morning so a step closer but now we will really find out now since we were pretty much f#cking almost lol

RE: Dmsi 2.5 Finally joined the forums after so long testing dmsi - Pheonix007 - 12-01-2016

Hi guys still got good results coming along going off of 2.5 to prepare for 3.0 but me and the older woman are still talking and we are going to bang each others brains out so until I update my next post 3.0